Friday, February 27, 2009


My oldest son, Zach, is almost 18. I can hardly believe that he is almost finished with high school. He is such a wonderful, young man with a huge heart and definite ideas of his own. He has his own faith and is so talented. I am blessed that God chose me to be his mother. I know that I have made mistakes with him, I have wounded him and I have loved him with all that I have. I hope that his journey will bring him closer to God and more compassionate towards others. I am excited to see where God will use him, hoping that it is close to home. This fall he will be living at home and attending Herron School of Art. I just want to say "Happy Birthday Zach!! I love you!"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The snow is coming down, again! I love snow, but when it hinders my ability to leave my house I begin to resent it! There is just something about snow that is beautiful and pure, covering everything in it's path with "whiteness". Snow quiets everything as well, absorbing the sounds of life and nature. There is just something about snow that words can't quiet describe, something I long for in my own life, a purity and quietness in my soul, a calm that is inviting and comforting.

Lately I have been reading a lot more that I usually do. I am hungering for truth and convictions that will cause my heart to change. I feel this "something" stirring deep within me. I am not sure how to describe it. My heart aches to help others, but I need to be okay if I can't "fix" others. I want to listen to their heart and to respond from mine. I find that I am still so guarded and I am not sure what is holding me back. To really examine my journey and my "walls" is difficult and I find that I put others to the test, are they really worthy to see my heart. Do I trust this person, are they really interested in coming along with me on my journey?? All are tough questions, questions I am not sure I will ever stop asking, but I must try to quiet myself and just enjoy their company, even if they aren't able to travel very far with me.