I think summer has officially started! I finished my last chemo treatment last week and I'm still recovering. Oddly enough, I felt a little melancholy about the last one. I'm not sure why, maybe because for the last 5 months my life has revolved around doctors, appointments, scans, medications, nurses and entire days sitting in a chair while cancer fighting drugs slowly dripped into my veins. That was my "new normal" daily life. Now, things will once again change and for the better. My thought process is still slow, my body doesn't want to go for very long but it will recover over time.
The boys are out of school but will be doing summer school to catch-up on a couple of subjects. Not too much though. Zach will be taking a summer class too. Taylor will be getting his license soon. Summer camp is right around the corner. If I'm not careful I will blink and summer will be over. Clay is busy right now with work and life is good.
I'm just about finished reading a book called: Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo. It's a true story about his son. That's all I'm saying! I highly recommend it!
Have a great week, enjoy the sunshine and be kind to someone today!!