my life, my thoughts, my actions it's all up to me, me, me. If God controlled everything why would I need the Bible? Why would I need Jesus? God controls me just as much as I can control my adult kids or even my dogs! Do you hear what I'm saying? I don't believe that God even desires to control me, what He does desire is for me to follow Him, to give Him the lead, to seek His direction for my life. God desires to grow me spiritually and emotionally to be more mature in the faith, in Him. When crap hits the fan, and it will, He desires for me to run to Him and allow Him to use it in some way to bring glory to Him and Jesus! He wants me to learn from my mistakes and how the wielding of my life can either hurt others or help others see Him more clearly. Of course I believe that God has the power to control anything that he desires with just a word but He doesn't force us to do anything and that's what I love most about God our freedom to serve and love him if I choose to and I choose too! My life is at best a manageable wreck most of the time but my heart is to serve God and to ask Him for help
in my day to day messed up life. God cares about the details of my life good and bad, I know it because I see Him every single day! When life is hard and unfair, He is there, when life is great, He is
there, when I'm being a brat, He is there and even when I don't want to give him control, He is there. He's there just wanting to be with me. God cannot be controlled by me either because He's God! I can only control ME not anyone else and most of the time I mess that up. God can use anything we allow Him to for the greater good of the kingdom, if we allow it. So I know God's not in control of my life and I'm grateful for that.