I just finished reading The Shack by William P. Young. I loved this book. It was one that I just couldn't put down and once I finished I was a little sad that I'm not still reading it.
Today I washed my westies and then attempted and somewhat succeeded at giving one a hair cut. She looks much better, but it was such a job. I hate to shell out $70.00 to have them both cut. They both smell so much nicer. Other than that it was a pretty eventless day, which I did enjoy!!
Okay, this is the last straw. I am buying this book!!! :)
You are the fifth person in the last week and a half that has recommended this book. (Not that you're personally recommending it to ME, but it's just weird that I keep running across this book.)
And I've never been on your blog before. . .first time here! Interesting, huh?
Kari ;)
Hi. Left a comment on your blog about Jesus' baptism.
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