This morning is was so cold that our back, sliding door was frozen shut. Despite the cold and the wind it is beautiful outside. The sky is blue and sun's rays are sparkling on the frost that is covering everything. Even with the bitter wind howling, the leafless trees that sway and the stillness of the animals there is a silent beauty that screams out the glory of God. I love this time of year. There is magic in the air and all the earth seems to know it, something wonderful is coming. Preparing for the arrival of the Savior is heavy on my heart. This year my preparations have been different. I have not decorated our tree, the lights are the only thing that adorns the branches and the star on top. There is something humble and simple that reminds me each time I see our tree that this season isn't about showing off my skills of interior design but, to remember the small baby boy that was born. To remember the life he lead, to remember those he came to save. Those he came to save stir my heart the most. I am one of those people that he was searching for, a lost, dirty, broken, unable to see hope in tomorrow lambs. He saw me, He sees me and He picks me up, restores my hope and sets me down with the rest of the flock. He gives me a flock, those just like me to love me and for me to love. This flock will probably knock me down from time to time, not share all of the food and even step on my heart but, this is where he has chosen for me to be and here I must stay. I must stop looking over the fence and thinking about what may be on the other side or how things were and live here in the moment with my family. My hope is set on Him and where He has chosen for me to be. My hope is that He will pick me up when I'm knocked down, stepped on or just completely overlooked. My hope must grow so that I in return can offer some small hope to others around me. I am putting my hope in Him and I will stop fighting Him and where He has placed me. He knows best and He also knows my heart. Today my tree is only filled with lights, lights that remind me of Him!
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