Thursday, June 9, 2011


I remember a friend once telling me that his wife wasn't a "touchy feelly" (I know that's not a word) person, she just wasn't made that way.  I think a lot of people really believe that some of us weren't made to "show" affection.  That is just crazy!  How can we all be made in the image of God and not show love and affection toward others.  So many of us believe that lie satan keeps whispering into our ears, "It's okay, you're just not into being touchy, feelly with others, God just made you different!"  I know that deep down every single person on the planet really wants to be loved and to show love.  Somewhere on the journey something happened to cause us to change from who God created us to be.  Abuse of some sort entered our lives and challenged our knowledge of our own worth and right to be loved.  We made an agreement to self protect and not to be hurt again, changing the way we interact with others.  Keeping people at a distance is safe and predictable.  I know this because I've been there.  Sometimes reaching out to others is risky. Will they respond kindly to the love I offer?  Will they be cold and unresponsive towards me, confirming that I'm not worth loving?  These are the questions that I sometimes hear whispered in my own ear.  Over the past few years, I have taken those risks and yes, sometimes it didn't work out how I had hoped.  The important thing  is that it doesn't stifle me from taking those steps forward and waiting to try again another day.  Offering love to someone and not having it returned the way I thought it should doesn't mean I'm unlovable or there is something wrong with me.  It means the other person just isn't ready yet.  We are ALL made in His image, made to love and to be loved, made to be show affection and to receive affection.  Think about it and how can you take a step towards being all that you were created to be.  Be honest with those closest to you, YOU MATTER.  How you feel matters!  Don't be silent be alive!!



Tammy said...

To your first few and last few sentences of this post I shout...AMEN!

Patty Rash said...

I am always amazed by your writings. They seem to be written for me. What a gifted person you are. Thank you for posting your thoughts. It helps.