My First Love
I have an ache in my heart and an emptiness that I cannot explain. As I sat down to do my devo this verse is what popped out:
Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love.
Rev. 2:4
Wow!! How convicting and right these words are for me. As I look back on the last few weeks or even months I can see where I have deserted God. I have not spent time with Him alone, alone without the distractions of my daily life. That doesn't mean I haven't worked to serve others and help where I can, but I haven't carved out time that only God deserves. I have missed this time with Him and I know He misses it with me. I know, I said He misses it with me! I'm not saying this to sound arrogant I say this because I know how much he loves me! What a gift He gives to each of us, Himself!! I have to nurture this relationship. Doing deeds that glorify Him is wonderful and necessary, but it's not enough. If I only did things around my home to take care of my family like cook, clean, run errands and so on but never spent time alone with each of my boys or Clay then those relationships would suffer. I cannot abandon them and expect our relationship to grow or even stay strong, over time I would lose touch of what is going on with each of them and them me. I have to give time and attention to each in order to stay close and in touch with their lives. The same is true of God. Even now I feel lighter realizing where I've been amiss. God is so true and loving and honest especially when I need it most!!
Enjoy this day He has given you!!
1 comment:
cindy---as always, u are awesome and no insightful, and always have something positive, productive and wonderful to share with others :)
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