Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Start

I know it's been awhile since I posted and I'm not sure why. Each day I read a few other's blogs and really enjoy hearing what other mom's are up to. So, I think I will attempt to blog more frequently with just daily random stuff.

I just wrapped up a bible study over the summer, actually I was leading it in my home with 6 other women. It is called No Other Gods by Kelly Minter. What a great study, simple yet very deep. I highly recommend it. I really enjoyed getting to know these women a little better and deeper. It seems that so many of us, me included, are just so on our guard with other women. Being hurt in the past by my "friends" puts me on the defense. I so long for those deep, deep friendships, where I can be myself without being judeged. Those are so hard to find, yet so many of us are in the same boat. Feeling isolated and alone. So, I am going to trust God and pursue these types of relationships and take a chance. There are no guarantees but I do know God will guide me and has already given me a peace about this whole issue. So, I'm diving in.

Today, I am working on homeschool curriculum and our schedule. Big fun! I still have a few books to buy. I shipped our DVD/Recorder back to Phillips to be replaced and hoping it will come this week. I use BJU HomeSat and record classes for my 3 sons. There is still a lot to do before we begin, but I'm not worried or crazy over it. I will just do what I can do and that will be enough. I hope everyone else has a great week, starting back to school!

Enjoy the day!

1 comment:

Mary said...

My son starts college tomorrow. He will be a sophomore. We just found out that the roommate that he had last year, and will have again this year, is the grandson of the American pastor we had when we were stationed in England and who dedicated our son! Small world, isn't it? Our son lived for almost a year with the grandson of the pastor who dedicated him 19 years ago!