Anyway, Sunday I attended a Leadership Meeting after church. Generally I dread meetings, I'm not sure why. The meeting Sunday began a little slow but, it ended with a really great challenge for not only our leadership teams but, for me personally. The challenge is to Raise the Bar. I have been very guilty about putting off projects or even just finishing up on projects for reasons I really don't know. My church is very relaxed and in so being has become a little lax in other areas too. Casual is good for many things but, not so much when it comes to getting things done i a timely manner. Another point was: If we settle for doing a good job we may never accomplish great things. Just because something is good doesn't mean it can't be great. I think I often settle for good not thinking that God probably has GREAT in mind for a job I'm doing. I need to raise the bar! I don't want to do only good things for God but, I want to do GREAT thing for Him!
Now I feel ready to get busy finishing up some projects that I have been working on for months, that just need a few finishing touches and the end result will be GREAT! I don't want my work to be just "good enough" God is calling me out for more and I'm more than capable of more. I'm also praying that God will open up the "creativity gates" and let it flow. I'm ready to roll.
Here is one thing I plan on finishing this week: Last August a team of volunteers helped to paint this incredible mural down our children's hall and I have been dragging out finishing up a few things. So, here I am 'fessing up to putting off what I know I need to do and it will look so much better. Here is a before picture.
I need to finish replacing the signs and adding a few shadows to some of my figures then it will be finished!
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