Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Pet Scan
Getting ready to go have my PET scan done. I will be injected with something that makes me glow in the dark, just kidding. I will be injected then wait 30 minutes and then the scan. It's similar to a cat scan but takes about 1 hour or longer. I have to remain still on the table so the films aren't blurry. The staying still part is a little difficult and boring. Hoping for good news! I won't find out the results until later next week. I will also have a cat scan on Friday. If the cancer is still responding to the chemo then I will finish my last 2 treatments. If the cancer has not changed since the last scan then we will have to try something else, probably some type of stem cell transplant. Here's to hoping God's plans are to finish the chemo and be in remission! Whatever the outcome God is good all of the time!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
My husband has been the youth minister at our church for the past 7 years. Working with youth can be hard work. Over the years I've noticed a trend take place that saddens me. A lot of our youth come to church without their parents. These youth are the kids that need a place to "fit" in a place to feel loved and accepted even though they aren't athletes or in the band or even accomplished academics. What saddens me is the kids from our own church (not all of them) usually won't participate in our youth group. The kids from our church that come from "stable" family homes won't come to our youth group. This makes my heart hurt. The kids that need encouragement could really use other teens to look up to.
I know it's hard to be around others that don't look like us, don't make the same choices as we do, don't value the same things we do but they need us, we need each other! For crying out loud God sent Jesus from Heaven to earth to be with us. Now there could not be any other place more polar opposite than that (except hell, which Jesus did go there too).
Jesus came here and fell in love with us. Did you hear me, He left the most awesome place ever to come be with me and you and fell head over heals in love with us!! Jesus loves us, He loves me! (Personally, I think he loves me the most! ;) In my own experience my life is fuller when I'm with those that aren't like me at all. Those who are hurting and lost bless me the most! Remember what we do for the least of these is the same as doing it for Jesus. Look around you today, Jesus is everywhere waiting for you to do something, anything!! Jesus may be your cashier at Walmart, your server at McDonalds or the new kid in the youth group. What will you do when you see Him??
I know it's hard to be around others that don't look like us, don't make the same choices as we do, don't value the same things we do but they need us, we need each other! For crying out loud God sent Jesus from Heaven to earth to be with us. Now there could not be any other place more polar opposite than that (except hell, which Jesus did go there too).
Jesus came here and fell in love with us. Did you hear me, He left the most awesome place ever to come be with me and you and fell head over heals in love with us!! Jesus loves us, He loves me! (Personally, I think he loves me the most! ;) In my own experience my life is fuller when I'm with those that aren't like me at all. Those who are hurting and lost bless me the most! Remember what we do for the least of these is the same as doing it for Jesus. Look around you today, Jesus is everywhere waiting for you to do something, anything!! Jesus may be your cashier at Walmart, your server at McDonalds or the new kid in the youth group. What will you do when you see Him??
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
When you spend a lot of time confined to a bed, not able to do very much physically, you start to notice the smaller things around you. Even though the weather is cool I LOVE to sleep with the window cracked. At night the only noise that can be heard might be a dog barking in the distance, or crickets in the night and occasionally a tree frog by the pond. What is so cool is that the birds are all asleep and nestled in their nests for the night but as soon as first light starts to appear the singing begins. I love the songs they each sing. I wonder if they are singing praises to God and we don't even know it. Wouldn't that be so cool!
There are times in each of our lives that God allows us to be limited in some ways maybe that is physically, financially or even emotionally we feel bankrupt or completely at the bottom. The great thing about this is what God does to compensate for those times. He heightens other areas of our lives that need a tweak. I think it's kind of similar to being blind, the other senses are more aware. Don't be sad or angry for what you don't have right now, look around you at what you do have. You will be amazed at the beauty and abundance of life that is around you. God will take care of you, He will. You must believe that He will.
This morning is Easter it's dark and wet outside but I still hear the birds singing beautifully even in the rain! Thank you God for their songs!!
There are times in each of our lives that God allows us to be limited in some ways maybe that is physically, financially or even emotionally we feel bankrupt or completely at the bottom. The great thing about this is what God does to compensate for those times. He heightens other areas of our lives that need a tweak. I think it's kind of similar to being blind, the other senses are more aware. Don't be sad or angry for what you don't have right now, look around you at what you do have. You will be amazed at the beauty and abundance of life that is around you. God will take care of you, He will. You must believe that He will.
This morning is Easter it's dark and wet outside but I still hear the birds singing beautifully even in the rain! Thank you God for their songs!!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
What A Year
It has been one hell of a joyful year! Today is the one year anniversary of my knee surgery, which seems like the beginning of a tragic movie that would never end. Let me recap what went on last year. I'll try to keep it short and sweet. I was having INCREDIBLE knee pain that had been going on for a few years with no help from an ortho doc. (Once he knew I had cancer, he told me to go back to my oncologist.) Anyway, one day the pain was so bad I drove myself to the ER and was given a cortizone shot, wonderful stuff, and referred to a new ortho guy, who eventually did surgery on my and found cartiladge torn and floating around in my knee area. Yeah, a solution. The recovery was slow and painful. I would undergo physical therapy for about 1 month. The original pain was gone but still a lot of leg pain. Then, on May 22, Clay had a heart attack. I watched my best friend, lie helplessly on a gurney in the ER start to slowly fade. He was rushed from one hospital to another in order to safe his life, and that they did. He had a stint put in and was home in a couple of days. God was still good, no matter what would happen. The pain in my leg began to increase over the summer and into the fall months. Ibprofen was my new best buddy! Right after Thanksgiving I became very sick no energy, pain, no appetite, fevers. I was on the couch most of December. The oncologist ran some extra tests and found that my cancer had transformed into an aggressive type and was in both of my femurs. There was a tumor growing out of one femur into the soft tissue, basically eating away the bone. Well, that explains all of the pain. During the month of December my step mom was also having a "routine" surgery and with complications and a second surgery she passed away. She was only 51. All of this happened while Clay and I were at another hospital having my tests done. My condition was serious and had to be addressed quickly. I couldn't be with my family during her death, which was very difficult! I still remember the call from my aunt as we were on our way to have the MRI done. I had to lie still on the table for the test, in unbelievable bone pain and sobbing. After tests to confirm the type of cancer, I began chemo on Dec. 30th. The holidays were not easy, since I couldn't do the cooking or shopping. After the first round of chemo I became extremely sick, sick for almost the entire month of January. With each chemo treatment it has gotten easier. I'm now not sick with my stomach, only weak and move slowly for about 10 days after treatment, then I begin to feel normal. During the end of January our beagle of 14 years suddenly became sick and we had to put her down. Our friend came to the house and did it for us in the living room. It was hard to say goodbye to our loyal and faithful friend, Lilly! Clay and the 2 older boys dug her grave in the snow and buried her under her favorite tree. I look back now over the past year and am so grateful for God's grace over our family. I had just read this week in the book of James, to count it all joy when you go through various trials, because these will strengthen my faith. (my paraphrase) I've read this hundreds of times but, now I "see" what is says! My faith in who God is has not changed over the year, but my grip of his hand as grown tighter. No matter what today brings, God loves me and gave his ONLY son for me!! I may not understand his plans or how my life can affect his kingdom, but I do understand that he loves me no matter what!!
I'm hoping that today will mark the beginning of a quiet year! I need a rest!! Hang in there if your year has been as crazy as mine!!
I'm hoping that today will mark the beginning of a quiet year! I need a rest!! Hang in there if your year has been as crazy as mine!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
This makes my heart full! The sound of the mower, the
smell of the fresh cut grass blowing in the breeze.
I love the simple things in my life that bring
about a peace and joy that I cannot explain.
Work is good, taking care of what God has
given us is good! I sure hope He lets me
mow grass in heaven!!
Thank you God for grass and the wonderful scent
it gives when it's cut! You amaze me!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Taco Soup in the crock-pot
I have a delicious and super simple Taco Soup recipe for the crock-pot. I didn't take any pictures so just use your imaginations. Plus my boys really liked this too.
1 lb chicken breast
2 cans sweet corn
2 can kidney beans
2 cans black beans
3-4 cans mexican tomatoes with green chili's
1 packet of fajita seasoning mix or just taco seasoning
1 can tomato puree or tomato sauce
salt and pepper
Okay now just open cans and dump everything in your crock-pot, add the raw chicken and stir. I eyeball the mixture and if it is a little thick I add a little water. Add the packet too. Now cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4 hours. Take chicken out and shred then add back to the mixture. Presto, delicious soup! If you don't like it spicy then add just cut-up tomatoes without the green chili's. We add cheese and sour cream to our bowls and dip tortilla chips in the soup. Enjoy!
1 lb chicken breast
2 cans sweet corn
2 can kidney beans
2 cans black beans
3-4 cans mexican tomatoes with green chili's
1 packet of fajita seasoning mix or just taco seasoning
1 can tomato puree or tomato sauce
salt and pepper
Okay now just open cans and dump everything in your crock-pot, add the raw chicken and stir. I eyeball the mixture and if it is a little thick I add a little water. Add the packet too. Now cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4 hours. Take chicken out and shred then add back to the mixture. Presto, delicious soup! If you don't like it spicy then add just cut-up tomatoes without the green chili's. We add cheese and sour cream to our bowls and dip tortilla chips in the soup. Enjoy!
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