My husband has been the youth minister at our church for the past 7 years. Working with youth can be hard work. Over the years I've noticed a trend take place that saddens me. A lot of our youth come to church without their parents. These youth are the kids that need a place to "fit" in a place to feel loved and accepted even though they aren't athletes or in the band or even accomplished academics. What saddens me is the kids from our own church (not all of them) usually won't participate in our youth group. The kids from our church that come from "stable" family homes won't come to our youth group. This makes my heart hurt. The kids that need encouragement could really use other teens to look up to.
I know it's hard to be around others that don't look like us, don't make the same choices as we do, don't value the same things we do but they need us, we need each other! For crying out loud God sent Jesus from Heaven to earth to be with us. Now there could not be any other place more polar opposite than that (except hell, which Jesus did go there too).
Jesus came here and fell in love with us. Did you hear me, He left the most awesome place ever to come be with me and you and fell head over heals in love with us!! Jesus loves us, He loves me! (Personally, I think he loves me the most! ;) In my own experience my life is fuller when I'm with those that aren't like me at all. Those who are hurting and lost bless me the most! Remember what we do for the least of these is the same as doing it for Jesus. Look around you today, Jesus is everywhere waiting for you to do something, anything!! Jesus may be your cashier at Walmart, your server at McDonalds or the new kid in the youth group. What will you do when you see Him??
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